Monday, February 6, 2012

Cheap Acrylic

I'm not a real big "girly girl" but like most girls out there I love to have my nails done.
My finger nails do grow REALLY fast which is cool.. but.. I have a tendency to bite my nails :-/
(Horrible habit I know)
I wouldn't mind going to get my nails done if it didn't cost a arm and a leg.
This girl is BROKE! I cant afford to pay 40 dollars for some fake fingers.
I saw at walmart the acrylic nail "do it yourself" kits.
I was interested but thought to myself "There is NO way you could do that. The left hand might look okay. but the right would look like a 3 year old did it" so I never bought one.
Well I broke down yesterday and bought a kit at walmart. The box said easy for beginners, and it was less than $10 SCORE.

Well they don't lie. It was super easy! I did mess up on one nail and had to take it off and try again, but it was my first time.
It happens.

They look just like they do when you spend 40 dollars and at least an hour out of your day to go get them done. It only took me about 15 minutes to finish and I'm super impressed.
I will buy these again.



  1. I am SO going to try these! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Cute nails ! Thanks for the tip..... I also love to get my nails done, but it is so expensive.

  3. I've always be timid with using those. Knowing that they work makes me want to try it out! I used to get my nails done often but it definitely gets to be too much after awhile.

  4. They do look really nice!
    And the right hand was a success?? Lol that is always my problem.
