What you need:
1. 1 cup Borax
2. 1 cup Washing Soda
3. 1 Bar Soap
Also you will need a bowl of some kind, a funnel, a cheese grater and a jar.
Step 1: Grate the soap into your large bowl.
Step 2: Add 1 cup of Borax and 1 cup of Washing Soda to your bowl.
Step 3: Add the mixture into a jar.
*A Few Hints*
-if your grater does not make your soap flakes small enough you may want to use a blinder, otherwise you may have to run your water in your machine before you put your clothes in so that you can let the soap dissolve enough that it will not stain your clothes. (Possibly using white soap instead of blue would resolve this issue)
Use 1 tbs with every load of laundry. :)